Donnerstag, 23. März 2017

21.02.2017 - 25.02.2017

21.02.2017 – 25.02.2017

Bin mit dem Zug an die Grenze Dtl./Niederlande gefahren und hab dann angefangen zu laufen.
Ganz zufällig ist mir mein Trailer nach 4 tagen kaputt gegangen.
Meine Vorderradaufhängung ist gebrochen!
Kann nur geschweißt werden – hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Somit hieß es dann wieder Ab nach Hause.


Nun ist mein Trailer kaputt und jede Chance auf eine zeitige vollendung der Reise bis August dahin.
Einen Garantieanspruch in Tschechien geltend machen ist so vielversprechend wie ein Hefeteig ohne hefe backen ;)

Also darf ich mich darum auch selber kümmern.
Somit habe ich meinen Plan ein weiteres mal umgeschmissen.
Nun werde ich also meine Rucksack wieder packen und den GR10 hoch und den GR11 runter laufen/hiken.
Is schon n bissel peinlich, wie sich die ganze sache so entwickelt hat.

Aba is auch irgendwo sehr lustig.

21.02.2017 – 25.02.2017

For 30 bugs i went by train to the border of Germany/Netherland.
I start running immediately. So, I was running same day alomst 50 Km untill I needed to build up my tent anywhere in nowhere ;)

And get ready for this:

4 Fuc...king days..............4 days.......... I was running 4 days before my stroller gets broken. My front wheel mount was broken. The metal part was cutted. I dont know why, how, why, how, why....
it was happend same day as chi was visiting me in Utrecht – Netherland.

IT IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looks like somebody dont want me to do that trip.

and to make a warranty claim in Czech (where i bought my stroller) is actually impossible. In those case i m really happy to life in Germany.
…..I got immediately answer when I was ordering the stroller. But I never got any answer from them for my warrenty claim.
Stupid idiots.

And what to do now?
Big question ;)
back to the roots – I pack my backpack again. I ll hike up the GR10 and hike down the GR11.
Both are on the border of France and Spain. Andorra is a part of it too.

I can laugh about all of what was happened.
Similar it is a shame.

1st night. I love sleeping next to highway. i like the noise

windy and rainy

changed ponche to complete plastic cover. whole day RAIN non stop

whole day rain, whole night rain. next 30h rain, rain, rain non stop

this night was extrem storm! LKW´s were blowing away from the highway, trees are uprooted, and the night sounded like a extrem bass test - loud, noisy.

From border to border netherland can be walked through COMPLETE on bikeways like that on. Amaizing!!

first day sunny, after i started

sleepingspace for the night. wake up very early cuz pick up chi from bus station

1h later again build up my 1-Person-tent for me and chi. She needed to sleep while not sleeping in the bus. i was laying also inside too ;););)

Chi checking stroller. on the way to appartment hotel

never saw so many bikes. bike parking extrem!

I realized my broken trailer in appartment hotel. was totally shocked! BUT, I needed to laugh too......

as u can see: front wheel mount tear apart. FU...K YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
need to weld/fuse it.

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