Donnerstag, 23. März 2017

20.01.2016 - 02.02.2016

20.01.2016 – 02.02.2016

nachdem ich die Uhr nun 4 Mal umgetauscht habe und jedes mal ne fabrikneue zugesandt bekam, hab ich es aufgegeben. Ständige Abstürtze, komplett versagen.
Hab dann die Uhr einfach wieder zurück gegeben und mich wieder auf Garmin Monterra verlassen.

Hier hat es dann 12 Tage gedauert bis ich wieder umgekehrt bin.
Diesmal war der Grund allerdings ein bisschen tiefschürfender – Meine rechte Achhillessehne war kurz davor zu reißen (wie mir der Arzt später sagte).

…..Hätte nicht gedacht, dass sone Achhillodynie so lange brauch, bis sie verheilt. Und was soll ich sagen, dass Problem ging nicht weg. Ich leide immer noch darunter :(
3-6 Monate brauch sone genesung. Und die Erfolgschancen waren leider null.
20 tage Elektrotherapie, 2x Kortison Kur und jede Menge ruhe.

Und mein Problem mit der Nacht hab ich immer noch nicht in Griff bekommen.
Irgendwie macht mich das laufen in der nacht depressiv. Ich meine Tag für Tag für Tag......

20.01.2016 – 02.02.2016

I send back that annoying watch.
That watch what was fucking up my trip.
I send it back once. I got back a complete new one. But after few days i got same problems.
I send it back the second. Got back a complete new one with Same problems after few days.
…....I start checking internet about these specific problems.....found some interesting facts....
I send it back the third. Got back complete new one + upgrade (heart beat belt)....same problems.
I send it back the forth AND i finally got money back (german law).

ok. I quite garmin watch because I found out the problemis generally exist in there own soft- or hardware. Its really annoying. After talking with garmin service they said this problem is knowing and never solved. Thanks for selling stupid broken products!!

walking with Garmin Monterra was and actually IS fine ;)
I start walking 20th and returned 02nd of Februar
But this time it was a bit more complicated

This time i could walk 12 days in row.
Ater few days I realized that my still existing problem with achhill is getting more and more worse. Unfortunately i needed to break up. The pain was really discusting. I thought whole time achhill problem is healing by itself – like everything else.
But not.
I went to doc.
She said I was lucky, cuz it was short before tearing apart. So, I was undergoing small elctro therapy for approx 20 days. But still painful......
Then I was doing Cortison-cure.........two times within 4 month.
Less sport.....actually no sport.
But it was not getting better. Wiered.

The darkness-running-problem is still there.
makes me still depressiv. Running at night day by day by day.......

1st day 2nd try

still cold, snowy, and........

......water is freezing everyday :(

lonely pathes far away......alone. getting dark soon.

Santa Claus Home :)

3rd night straight behind Higway.

flat tire! was not possible to fix it. didnt found the hole(s).....went crazy ;)

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