Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017



nach einigen Stunden Marsch bin ich in Sabananigo angekommen. Hier musste ich dann leider den Bus bis nach Huesca nehmen, da eine Autobahn auf meinem Weg lag.
Wie ich später beim Busfahren merkte, verlief eine alte Versorgungsstrasse direkt neben der Autobahn bis nach Huesca – schade.

Aba glücklicherweise verlief ebenfalls eine alte aber immer noch sehr schwach benutzte Nebenstraße direkt neben der Autobahn von Huesca nach Saragossa.
….und hier auf dieser knapp 80km ´langen strecke ist mir wieder bewusst geworden, warum ich einst in Portugal abgebrochen hatte – reines spazieren ist einfach soooooo verdammt langweilig.
Berge – super.
Joggen – super.
Mit Trailer rennen – super.
Tagelang spazieren – öde.

Über den tag hat es nur einmal am Nachmittag geregnet. Ich dachte eigentlich, nachdem ich die Wolken so beobachtet hatte, das es nicht wieder anfängt.....tja, Arschkarte.
Gegen Abend fing es dann wieder an. Monster regen :)
Hab dann glücklicherweise direkt unter einer Brücke neben der Autobahn ne schöne stelle gefunden, wo ich mein Zelt aufbauen konnte.
Noch schnell n paar kl. Gräben um mein Zelt gezogen, damit das Wasser von der Fahrbahn nicht direkt unter mein Zelt läuft und dann mit mulmigen Gefühl penn gegangen ;)


i left the parking place behind me, walking up the A-136. I passed by few small villages souronded by mountains. Anytime i arrived to Sabananigo.
I was checking the way to my next destination Huesca. I was checking again and again, but the only way was blocked by a highway. Unfortunately I can not walk on it, for sure. So, I went on searching for any small pathes or trails i can take. But nothing.

I took the bus from Sabananigo to Huesca.
During the bus journey I saw a samll street of supply following smae direction as the highway by itself. Always next to it. Sometimes changeing in between left and right side of the current highway. But at least, i guess, it was the old street from Sabananigo to Huesca replaced through the current higway right now.
But ok.
Pitty, but ok.

From Huesca to Saragossa i could finally walk a small street. This street was also replaced through a highway always running on the left side.
Next approx 80km only straight.
I mean, after this 80km walk i know once more, why i finished my last trip in Portugal:
Walking in Mountains – top
Joggen from somewhere to somwhere – top
running with trailer – top
but walking for days – borring!!!

during the afternoon rain starts for a short time.
I actually thought thats it for the whole day – but not.
Approx 1h before building up tent again hard rain. Well, I was just hoping there is any covered place (bridge, warehouse, single roof, etc) on way SOON!
And I was lucky this time again. One big bridge few hundred meters away from me. I was happy. Hopefully the ground around the bridge is sandy and not made in cement.
Lucky again :)
I build up my tent immediately there. I was so darn happy!

Sleeping under that bridge during extrem rain. u can see the small double canal again around tent.

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